Barrett’s esophagus symptoms
Barrett’s Esophagus Symptoms
Hi I’m Jay Holt, the President of Natural Teas. We use the finest ingredients to make our teas robust and full of antioxidants. Currently we offer an acid reflux/Barrett’s esophagus tea and a weight loss tea… I suffered from heartburn for many years before finally finding out I had Barrett’s esophagus a dangerous condition that can lead to cancer. I was terrified and studied research papers night and day until I finally found the solution in a delicious tea. If you have acid reflux or Barrett’s esophagus, I invite you to try the tea that healed me and many others.
Barrett’s esophagus symptoms can be associated with complications of GERD. See a gastroenterologist if you experience any of the following symptoms for more than two weeks:
- Heartburn
- Indigestion
- Blood in vomit or stool
- Difficulty swallowing solid foods
- Nocturnal regurgitation (acidic or bitter liquid coming up to the chest or mouth during the night)
Weight Loss Tea That Works Fast
Next I developed a weight loss tea that focuses on hormones to lose weight in either sex. This tea relaxes people and allows them to lose weight effortlessly.. The formula is simple but powerful balancing hormones that allow you to lose weight.
Successful people do what unsuccessful people are simply unwilling to do.
– Jesse Doe