Natural Tea Products

Unlock the Healing Power of Nature with Natural Teas

Discover our range of medicinal teas, carefully crafted with high-quality, organic ingredients to support your health journey.

Barrett’s tea


About Us

I’m Jay – Author, Speaker, and Founder of Natural Tea Products. At NTP, we believe in the power of nature to heal and support our bodies. That’s why our selection of medicinal teas is carefully crafted with high-quality, organic ingredients that are chosen for their specific health benefits. Whether you’re dealing with acid reflux or looking to slim down, our teas are designed to support your journey towards better health.

Our Acid reflux/Barrett’s teas are specially formulated to help soothe and calm the digestive system, reducing discomfort and promoting healing. These teas contain natural ingredients like chamomile, ginger, and licorice root, which have been used for centuries to support digestive health.

If weight loss is your goal, our slenderize-teas are the perfect choice. These teas are designed to boost metabolism and promote fat burning, while also providing essential nutrients and antioxidants to support overall health. With ingredients like peppermint leaf, ashwagandha, and lemongrass, our slenderize-teas are a delicious and effective way to support your weight loss journey. 

Natural Tea Products

Our Story

When I was in college staying up many nights drinking coffee I had terrible acid reflux and continued to have it for many years until it got worse and turned into Barrett’s esophagus. I knew I had to do something but the doctors I went to only pushed drugs that didn’t help. Out of desperation I went to a naturopathic doctor. I wasn’t expecting much but this is when things really started to change.
We developed an amazing medicinal acid reflux/Barrett’s esophagus tea proprietary formula that works for over 95% of people who take it.

Naturopathic doctors love the tea for Barrett’s esophagus.

And not only has the tea worked for hundreds of other people, it was the same tea that healed me of my acid reflux and Barrett’s esophagus.
The formula is delivered in a delicious tea that can be taken with meals or between meals.
Anyone suffering from acid reflux or Barrett’s esophagus should try this amazing tea to stop the suffering.
Recently we have added slenderize-tea which has helped many people lose unwanted weight.
Research suggests that stress plays a huge role in losing weight. So our tea focuses mainly on decreasing stress and allowing the body to lose weight naturally and effortlessly.
The tea can be ordered on this website below… Orders will be shipped within 2 days of purchase. The tea works for over 95% of people who try it.

Biopsy Samples

Natural Ingredients Chamomile Tea Products

Uncover the Potential of All-Natural Tea for Health and Wellness

Welcome to Natural Tea Products, your premier destination for Natural Tea Products in USA. Our well-crafted teas are prepared to support your health journey with high-quality, organic elements.

Are you examining to increase your health naturally? Our Weight Loss Support Tea is designed to increase the burning of fat and increase metabolism. Tightly packed with antioxidants and essential minerals, this tea supports your general health in addition to your weight reduction objectives. Discover the benefits of carefully chosen, scientifically supported components like lemongrass, ashwagandha, and peppermint leaf.

We think that nature can mend and rebuild. Our teas are a first step towards a more balanced, healthier life, not simply a beverage. Our teas may help with your journey, whether you’re trying to shed some pounds or are having stomach issues.

Explore Natural Tea Products and join our community of happy customers who have changed their health naturally. Don’t wait: unlock the healing power of nature today!

Hear From Our Satisfied Customers
Don’t just take our word for it – see what our happy customers have to say about Natural Teas! Read their testimonials to learn how our medicinal teas have helped them on their health journeys, from managing acid reflux to slimming down. Join the ranks of our satisfied customers and experience the power of natural healing for yourself.
Satisfied Customers

Finally, relief for my acid reflux. Thought I’d tried everything- PPI’s, homeopathic remedies, (SET) structural entegration therapy and OTC products but nothing worked except your teas.

Angela T.

7 months ago I was diagnosed with Barrett’s Esophagus with dysplasia. I started drinking the tea mixture and last week I was re-evaluated and the doctor found the dysplasia was gone. I just wanted to thank you for the remedy I know it was a big part of reversing my dysplasia.

Todd N

My husband has been taking the teas for months now and his Barrett’s esophagus has gone from dysplasia to metaplasia and no more acid reflux. The teas have been a Godsend. Thanks.

Sandra Dobson

As an Ivy league professor, I was skeptical but I tried the teas and now I don’t have acid reflux or Barrett’s. I highly recommend the teas.

John Smithy

The last time I had an endoscopy there was no sign of Barrett’s esophagus. My doctor couldn’t believe it. I think the teas did the job.

Sean Vosler

After taking the teas for a couple of months I noticed I have not had one episode of acid reflux. Thanks for a new life and the wonderful healing teas.

Justin Altan

After using the teas I got a clean bill of health acid reflux and Barrett’s Free from my doctor.

Joseph W

You have a wonderful product and have changed and prolonged my life. I am 81 years old. God bless you and keep you safe. Keep up the good work.

Clarisse J.

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My name is Jay Holt and I created these teas to help people heal their Barrett’s esophagus and acid reflux just like I did. I am a real person and wanted to give everyone my phone number if you have any questions for me. I know its stressful and hard when you get that Barrett’s diagnosis, but I have been through it and came out the other side healed so if you need someone to talk to call me.
Please get in touch with me for any questions to 7274607104
1 month 30 Day Supply
Acid reflux/Barrett’s Tea
Acid reflux/Barrett’s Tea



3 months 90 Day Supply
Acid reflux/Barrett’s Tea



6 Months 180 Day supply
Acid reflux/Barrett’s Tea
Acid reflux/Barrett’s Tea



1 month 30 Day Supply
Acid reflux/Barrett’s Tea
Slenderize tea



3 months 90 Day Supply
Slenderize tea



6 Months 180 Day supply
Acid reflux/Barrett’s Tea
Slenderize tea



We offer a money back guarantee… Just send me an email to [email protected] I want to make sure this really works for you.

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